angelo graziano

Artist entered 16 October 2010

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Angelo Graziano was born in Naples on 28/07/1941 resident in Quartu Sant Elena Via delle Hydrangeas 11-1

Production designer, painter and sculptor - Costume

Particularly gifted as a boy practicing the art workshop of the Master De Pisis of Carignano Master, Master Laricchia that affect the school Capodimonte up substantially.

Son as to say art because the family owns a doll factory allowed the youth to turn to the departments of stamping, painting, decoration, costumes and assimilate the skills of craft workers treasuring them for the future.

He moved to Rome where he knows the world of cinema as an assistant designer engages in the preparation of the Bible by J. Huston, "The Tower of Babel and Noah's ark. Stab.De At Laurentis.

Gold Plaque for RAI Television set design for the TV campaign.

Forced to enter the family business following the path as a designer and manufacture of Pret A Porter medium end s...


Currently, not works in the gallery for this artist.