PASSION AND ECSTASY - Ezio Ranaldi - Enamel and oil on canvas with digital processing - 2000 €


Enamel and oil on canvas with digital processing 75 x 90 x 2 cm - Ezio Ranaldi - Year painting: 2022

Notes on artwork:
In this work Ezio Ranaldi took as a reference the work of Hugues Merle , Mary Magdalene in the cave, a painting made around the year 1868. The artist brings the old masters into dialogue with mass culture. His unmistakable modus operandi, he combines Pop strategies and suggestions, with the art of the past. In this work the artist reworks, mythological, religious and historical themes, almost always centered on female figures. At the center of the scene, a strongly seductive female image, exaltation of beauty and charm. The languid expression seems to want to accentuate the charge of pathos, (passion). enchanting and suave face, with a clear and candid complexion. The gaze is turned to a point outside the scene, and imparts a feeling of penitence and atonement. In his work , he connects references drawn from mass culture, to references inspired by art history, to propose new meanings to be returned to the viewer. A bridge between ancient and contemporary.

Picture frame: Not available
Available to ship:  Italy  / Europe

Price: 2000 €


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