rino lanzo

Artist entered 18 March 2024

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Rino Lanzo - born in Sava (Taranto), Salento by birth, I live and work in Turin.

Always passionate about art, I dedicated my desire to developing and making known what I was able to achieve to painting.

Since the 70s I have frequented the "surfanta" group of artists, especially my friend and teacher Lorenzo Alessandri in Giaveno where I was able to discover my surrealist and realist pictorial direction and sometimes even more.

There are various cultural associations that have given me the honor of belonging by participating in collective exhibitions organized by them.

In 1979 I had the privilege of exhibiting some of my works in the scenographic decor of the film "LOBSTER FOR BREAKFAST" with Enrico Montesano and Claude Brasseur and in 1979 and 1986 some works were included in the COLLECTOR'S AGENDA with reviews by Giuseppe Fossati and Luigi Valerio.

Member since 1974 of the SOCIETA' PROMOTRICE BELLE ARTI " of Turin, I participate in its periodic exhibitions held in the Valentino headquarters as well as personal exhibitions with satisfactory critical judgment.

I paint what I feel like painting, sometimes more surreal, sometimes more realistic or, if you want realistic, surreal, sometimes I try my hand at material painting as well as watercolour. My painting supports are rigid MDF panels appropriately prepared in the substrate because I love painting on a smooth surface. I pay particular attention to the preparation of the colors which I prepare and customize with pigment powders.

How can I define myself? I don't know... the arduous judgment is up to others.