angelo graziano

Artist entered 16 October 2010

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ritratto_400.jpgAngelo Graziano is a versatile artist with a strong creative imagination.

His resume is full of interest and courses ranging from painting the frescoes, from art restoration to the scenes film, theater and television, from the costumes to the portraits of the artist, the sculptures in concrete sacred art.

Born in Naples in 1941, long lives and has his workshop in Flumini Quartu St. Helena. He has worked for over ten years in New York. E 'son art: his parents had a doll factory. To "bulletin board" of Cagliari, today, Angelo Graziano has an extensive series of portraits, hyper-realistic resolved key personnel.
His canvases are painted mo 'frescoes, where the color is held in somber hues and muted.

The portrait is a difficult art: its practitioners, as in the case of Angelo Graziano, must be before a good painter and carefully designed, especially a fine psychologist. Of the subject, stopped on canvas or paper, must not only be familiar with the facial features, but to deepen the character and temperament.

ll portrait in fact, to be effective as well as technically valid, must disclose the nature, character, the soul of who is represented. Graziano in his portraits, rather than similarity, attempts to highlight and bring to light aspects of temperament and outs of the subject. Just sometimes a sign, a physiognomy, a posture, smile, a tic, to make a unique character, a face, a figure. Below we highlight that quest'angolatura Angelo Graziano were very successful in his creative effort, certainly more markedly in the characters, as it were public, as artists, actors, athletes, and everyone knows who memerizzato faces and facial expressions, than with strangers or memo to decipher, for the public visiting the staff.

Specifically Angelo Graziano in "Portraits of the Artist" has done a fine job emphasizing, seizing and stopping unusual expressions on the canvas, but that characterize and give life to the faces and figures. Although technically a mature stylistic Graziano shows that assigns a instead of all matter in view of portraiture.

His 0to through a maturation tends to encompass diverse backgrounds, always tell "stories" of faces. The shades of color, always kept carefully in check, reflecting his character estrpverso, not separated by a feeling of tender melancholy. The harmony of tonal relationships, finally, outlines an art safely reached the full maturity of expression.

15 December 2007 - Arte oggi - Angelo Pais